Thread: LimeWire 4.0.2
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Old May 29th, 2004
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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He probably won't answer (most probably heard your question far too often), but I will: Morpheus didn't give anything back and harmed the network by being to greedy (connecting to too many hosts, etc, which slowed down the whole network).

Read the past GDF-messages about that subject, and you'll see, why they decided to do it. A cooperative Network needs to shun out overly greedy "members", because else all would pay dearly for the greed of a few (or those few would manage to take down the network). That's how cooperation works: As long as all abide the rules, the network runs fine, but as soon as someone begins to exploit the network, others need to shut him (or her or it) out or have the whole system degrade (from which the cooperative ones would suffer first, the leeches only later, but they'd suffer still).

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