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Old June 4th, 2004
stief stief is offline
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Hi pvmantel--here's a few more avenues to consider:

did you try ? I saw that LW only accept money orders from the US. Wonder what the story is behind that decision! I've used paypal for years (several times for LW Pro) with no problem though, so I can't comment on its overseas security.

fyi--search for posts by" aharris" or "gbildson"

They are the business guys at limewire --and sometimes drop into these forums. I think they'd be interested in your thoughts

btw--although I supported Acqx in the past, I've stopped for now since Acqx 109.6 is reporting itself as LW 4.0.4. Dave, the developer of Acqx, argues this is honest (Acqx does use the work and effort that the LW team and opensourcers put into the Core), but I'm still waiting to see what Dave gives back to the LW core community. Bottom line: I feel guilty using Acqx for now. There are lots of ways you can still "give back" to the LW project, especially if you have international experience with other languages. The opensource page at should be back up soon with all the options, but in the meantime, the developers are very appreciative of contributions in the beta forum and the work that murasame and others do to help out on the forums.

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