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Old July 13th, 2004
sberlin sberlin is offline
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Default New LimeWire.exe - Please Test!

Hi Folks,

We've created a new "LimeWire.exe" for Windows, in anticipation of Microsoft Window's XP Service Pack 2. The new exe will launch LimeWire in its own process, instead of spawning a new "javaw". This means that while LimeWire is running, Task Manager will show "LimeWire.exe", and XP's Firewall will ask permission for "LimeWire" (published by "LimeWire, LLC") to access the internet, instead of asking for "javaw" (published by "unknown").

We need people to test this exe. We're going to build a new beta for testing, but you can grab this exe beforehand and give it some testing now.

We need people on Windows 98, 2000, XP, ME, NT, etc... to test.

To test, download LimeWire.exe somewhere local (like your desktop). Then find where you've installed LimeWire previously (generally at "C:\Program Files\LimeWire\LimeWire <version>") and replace the old LimeWire.exe with this newer one. To run, double-click on the exe or the shortcut on your desktop.

Things to look for while testing:
- Task Manager should show "LimeWire.exe" while LimeWire is running.
- Firewalls should report that "LimeWire" wants access to the internet (instead of reporting that javaw wants access).
- The icon of LimeWire.exe should look pleasing on all OSes, on all common window resolutions.
- If you don't have Java installed (or you have a funky Java installation), the exe should prompt you to download a newer version of Java at .

Please post any bugs or comments you have regarding the new exe in this thread.

The LimeWire Team