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Old July 22nd, 2004
SamiScrotum SamiScrotum is offline
Join Date: July 10th, 2004
Location: Manjimup,Western Australia
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Default Puzzled

Thanx for your reply Lee.

While I have no doubt that your conclusions are correct, I am not sure that they totally address my problem. If the situation was in line with your speculations, some UL's would already be flagged as "transfer interrupted" when I switch over to "Monitor" - on odd occasions one or two but not often.

Possibly more are "connecting" than "uploading" but there isn't much time to see as very soon after the switch they change to "t.i.". Even if it is only a minority that are "uploading" why should they change at that time?

As for more specific testing - please enlighten me!!!
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