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Old July 26th, 2004
Norm Norm is offline
Join Date: January 2nd, 2002
Location: Ooltewah TN
Posts: 495
Norm is flying high


When you say you deleted the files where did you delete them from? If you deleted them from your download directory you may still have incomplete downloads being completed everytime you open Limewire.

The files you describe would be qued by someone with above average computer knowledge. Someone interested in computers, music and - obviously porn. I can't believe a virus would be this selective.

Limewire really has no control over what files you download much like Ford has no control over where you buy gas for their car.

If anyone has used your computer and started to download a file it could still be in the download que.

Try this - At the top of the Limewire screen select "Library", then "incomplete", then see if some files show up. If they do these are the files in your download cue. Everytime you start Limewire it tries to complete these files. To get rid of them highlight the top file in the list, hold down the "shift" key, select the last file. They should all be highlighted. Now at the bottom of the screen select "delete". Confirm that you want to delete them and they will no longer be in the download que.

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