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Old August 14th, 2004
cmcnulty cmcnulty is offline
Join Date: July 19th, 2001
Posts: 27
cmcnulty is flying high

I've made this comment elsewhere but I really think that two important changes need to made to the interface, both for the same reason. I think that "incoming Searches" and "What's New" should be either eliminated outright or that an option should be added to remove them from view. I love using LimeWire, and I think it's far and away the best all around file sharing app, but I'm just not going to install it on my parnets and friends of parents computer when it puts the seedy underside of gnutella so close to their fingertips. I know there's porn out there, you know there's porn out there, but my Mom doesn't know that, and believe me she would freak if she saw what searches were going through her computer.

Besides both of these "features" seem predicated on the notion that people just don't have enough to search for. Where did you get that idea? Are people really sitting in front of their computer at a loss for things they can download? I find it hard to believe.
