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Old September 10th, 2004
Danteism Danteism is offline
Join Date: September 9th, 2004
Posts: 10
Danteism is flying high

At your suggestion I've downloaded 2.2.6 and in the "about MRJ 2.2.6" file it states:

"It is recommended that you only update to MRJ 2.2.6 if you need to use Oracle 11i client applications over HTTPS and your Oracle software is properly configured to support HTTPS communication with Mac OS 9 clients."

I'm running OS 9.2.2 on a 333 tray loading iMac w/ a 6 gig hard drive and 288 RAM.

I check my RAM usage periodically and I've never seen it come close to maxing out what I've got available. (It's currently sucking 78.5 MB and I've got 77 MB to spare)

As for it's allocation, shockingly it's "suggested size" is 2048k LOL, but it seems to have no problem drawing whatever it needs whenever it needs it. (don't think I've ever seen it running on less than 50MB)

So, still seems to be a mystery. Any further insights?

Thanks for all of your help.

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