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Old September 22nd, 2004
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verdyp verdyp is offline
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Join Date: January 13th, 2002
Location: Nantes, FR; Rennes, FR
Posts: 306
verdyp is flying high

Also your poll questions are skewed: I rarely get corrupted files... (I can't vote...)

Well, it depends on which file you search and download on the net. Some rarely shared files may be found on very few sources, that seem to be always corrupted at their origin.

Also some servents do not protect the files they share against modification by third party tools such as ID3 taggers or audio library managers: they don't detect file changes as they should, and still honor the download with the old SHA1 fingerprint, despite such upload requests should be replied by a 404 NOT FOUND status to inform the downloader that the file is no longer accessible under its past name.

Shamefully, some servents (including GTKG) that receive such 404 error status will still attempt to perform the download by retrying with a legacy method based only on the advertized file name. However, with that method, these servents will not detect the file content change, and will then continue downloading a file that has changed. These servents create corrupted files once their download finish, and without error detected by them, the downloaded file is imediately shared in its corrupted state, until its user detects the corruption by trying the downloaded file.

Users should try their downloads and delete from their library the files they can't read successfully, instead of letting them shared blindly. Not all users take this time of cleaning their shared folder. There's nothing LimeWire can do against that, because these shared sources are out of control.
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