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Only A Hobo September 28th, 2005 05:52 PM

There are copies on Limewire and from various sites such as Filedonkey I believe.
Whether this will cure your problem I am not sure ... The imediate slowing down of your comp sounds unusual to me.

If you get a version off limewire make sure you check it well for spyware and viruses

dallen256 September 28th, 2005 09:09 PM

Slow computer
I tried limewire and couldn't fine the earlier verison. I really don't want to pay filedonkey because I have already paid limewire. Is that my only choice?

Only A Hobo September 29th, 2005 02:00 PM

There is a site called but when I tried for .28 for windows it directed me to the Limewire site ... perhaps because I am using a Mac:)

So that might be worth checking out. I have no idea how reliable the site is.

I would also try researching a few times on Limewire as I'm sure people are putting these files up.

Thanks for the note about Filedonkey. I didn't realize they charged.

Lord of the Rings September 29th, 2005 02:31 PM


Originally posted by Only A Hobo
There is a site called
Which will only direct you to the basic version & I think also only the present version despite what it says. I might be wrong though. Only A Hobo has lots of old versions. But you'd need to verify your go with LW 1st. (sorry OAHB) lol :D

Only A Hobo September 29th, 2005 02:40 PM

LOTR said:"Only A Hobo has lots of old versions" Mac only i'm afraid ... I don't know if it is possible to actually download a Windows version onto a mac (only with a view to sharing it) any idea?

dallen256 September 30th, 2005 12:05 AM

Slow computer
I tried the earlier version and it is still causing the slow down.

Thanks for your help but I can't think of anything else.

Only A Hobo September 30th, 2005 01:39 AM

I'm running out of suggestions on this one, I'm afraid. Your large cashe of vruses you mentioned earlier seems the most likely sourse of the problem, but a number of windows users have had apparent speed problems and I'm sorry PCs are a mystery to me:) Sorry to be useless on this occasion anyone else!!!

Grandpa October 7th, 2005 07:47 AM

Might it possobily be a Java problem Try following the instructions below it might help but I do not know.

You will need to install Java and LimeWire manually First go to the first link.You can find Links to java in there Download Java to your hard drive by putting a mark in the save to disc box. Save it to my documents or wherever you save downloads from the internet. Do the same with LimeWire the second link will take you there.

Now with that done click on start then control panel add/remove programs and see if Java is listed on the list if it is uninstall it. Do the same with LimeWire if the un installers were not loaded you may have to manually delete the files. But in most cases this is not necessary.

Now click on the Java installer you saved to your hard drive and follow the instructions after you have completed that do the same with LimeWire.

Please post back and let us know if it worked. If it did not I will give further instructions on manually deleting Java and LimeWire.

dallen256 October 10th, 2005 10:51 AM

Slow Computer
Thanks for the information. I did what you said and it is working a little better but it still slows my computer. I have been paying more attention and noticed that the computer is still a little slow even after I close Limewire and reboot.

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