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Unregistered March 22nd, 2002 07:10 AM

make up your mind
I dunno, you guys just can't agree ...

one minute we're a new protocol, the next minute we're not ..

are you two trolls?

mrgone4662 March 22nd, 2002 07:18 AM

Either way it has no place on gnutella.

1) If you are a new network then stop trying to freeload off gnutella.

2) If you are not a new network then you are intentionally attacking other gnutella clients and damaging the network. Also not very welcome here.

Unregistered March 22nd, 2002 07:20 AM


what are you talking about?

Morgwen March 22nd, 2002 07:21 AM

Re: make up your mind

Originally posted by Unregistered
I dunno, you guys just can't agree ...

one minute we're a new protocol, the next minute we're not ..

are you two trolls?

The only troll I see here are you!

This "open source net" isnīt a new protocol - yes if you want to change something you should write a new one! But blocking other clients is stupid! You have the free choice which client you use, no one force you to use lw or bear!

Yes some of us trying to change somethin in a constructive way, not in a destrcutive way! Think about it...

If you have to say something do it without your flames - next time I delete your post!


Unregistered March 22nd, 2002 02:48 PM


Originally posted by mrgone4662
1.) How do you know they all have files shared?
Because I connected to them, same as any other client. Please read the Gnutella protocol specs.

2.) It is freeloading off of those people that are blocked from downloading but not uploading.
No it's not, get your facts straight, look at the posted patch file and read the Gnutella protocol specs to see how you can still upload from them. I get uploads from all those other clients right now all the time, mostly morpheus users. I don't know what will happen when blocking is put in but I am sure it will be both ways and it isn't that hard to do.

If they "sold" you something then you got something in return.
You get nothing in return, that's the point. Did you read any of the other posts here about this? You are trying to make your argument look good with nonsense. Are you one of those people who make a profit from people sharing files and are going to get cut off? Now I see your motivation!

You do not get them same software for free elsewhere, unless of course you're stealing it.
Gnucleus is free and has all the new features. Again you make no sense.

What new network? This isn't a new network, it is a client seeking to do damage to the existing network for its own gain.
What gain? Isn't that the point, there is no gain! Please go read some posts and understand what is going on here before you post.

Didn't need to read the source code, the guy who made this already admitted to one way blocking.
There is no blocking right now! You are getting upset over nothing. Go read the patch, go read some code, that is the problem, you don't want to read anything just trying to cause trouble.

The only people that need "punishing" are those actively trying to damage the network.
Clustering is damaging the network, spyware is damaging the network, look at the bad press Morpheus caused against the network because of them spying! You are being punished by them!

So I say, get out. You want your own network then put some effort into making it. Don't just sit here and leech off people because their politics don't match your own.
But this is what we are saying to BS, LW and others, get your own network, but they won't. So what's new?

I suspect that you are one of those people who will lose money if this becomes popular. Is your stock going to go down?

Unregistered March 22nd, 2002 04:13 PM

Another example of greed (from slashdot)

Bandwidth Shortage And The Telephone Company

Posted by timothy on Thursday March 21, @08:00PM
from the companies-like-to-make-money dept.
FasterThanLight writes: "This article from USA Today regarding (non)usage of existing fiber and its
impact on bandwidth in the semi-near future ... more doom and gloom. Why? Greed, of and by the
(surprise, surprise) large telcos." Remember, this story is about a predicted shortage, not a current
You let them slip in and then you get screwed every time. Government does the same thing. They found out they have a golden goose via bandwidth and will suck it for everything they can get. If new technology comes out that increases your bandwidth they will suppress it and dole it out in small steps all the while you pay big $$ for little bandwidth. How can you stop this? Greed sucks!

Morgwen, I thought you of all people would be the first to jump on this and run a node, so I don't understand.
So let's talk about your ideas on how to stop the greed and commercialism on Gnutella.
People have been whining and complaining about adware, spyware, spy packets and greed for more than a year now and nothing has been done. Those companies are pushing farther and farther the things that people will stand for.
This is what they do, they creep in a little at a time. Nip it in the bud!
Talk is cheap, at least this is actually doing something about it right now today and it's real.
Just the threat of this will make commercial interests think twice before screwing people over.
I don't see how you can stop them without blocking them. They won't leave and create their own network because they will lose $$ that way, and lose their back up plan (the free client "outsiders" surrounding their private networks).
If most free clients let the user block by choice, and places like this forum post lists of commercial clients, that may keep things in check, but is it enough?
And what is so wrong with free open source clients sharing files with other free open source clients on the "other" network? If full blocking is added, free clients will be able to share both ways as far as I can tell.
Think about this and come up with a reasonable real world solution we can implement today, right now. I will gladly do the coding of any program changes for your idea.

Unregistered March 22nd, 2002 07:11 PM

Please add 'last changed' info to P2P web site

please add last-changed info to the top of the website

<A HREF=""></A>

<A HREF=""></A>

It is too much information on one page to easily check for changes.


FuManchu March 22nd, 2002 10:05 PM

I don't understand the point
What are you trying to do? have a network that only uploads to each other, like fasttrack?

How is Limewire not open source? I cvs Limewire at all the time. I also am a Pro user, because I want to support their efforts and bandwidth costs. $8.50 isn't that much money, and besides, they are improving the network.Too cheap for that? clean limewire (if they didn't become firewire, lol) might be back.

I also cvs Gnucleus , and try to make constructive suggestions for improvement in that client also. Swabby was totally professional when morpheus grabbed his code for commercial gain. Do you see him typing a bunch of negative shi t about them? No, and you probably won't either. He just keeps improving his client, and Ultrapeers is on his todo list, along with other cool stuff.

GodX fixed his Peerahna client so that it works on NT when I reported that bug. His client isn't open source, are you going to block it? Or Xolox?Gnotella?

In short, what you are doing is worse than what BS and LW are doing, since they are adding something to the experience.

mrgone4662 March 23rd, 2002 12:48 AM


Originally posted by Unregistered
I don't see how you can stop them without blocking them.
If you really have such a problem with people getting paid for their work then make something better then what they have to offer and put it out there. Blocking them is just a childish way of lashing out because you can't make something that competes.

zippy March 23rd, 2002 04:25 AM

being objective --- seems to me that 20 nodes would do it and 100 would be critical mass 'cause horizon is never that far and most files I see are the same and kaza is closed and it not hurt'n gnutella and 100 nodes don't be missed so go for it

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