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stlouie November 19th, 2005 06:11 PM

Osx 10
I have OSX 10.4.3 and when I click the icon for LW Pro The Pro box pops up like it's going to open and then it disappears and so does the icon in the dock. Regular LW works. Do I need to delete regular before I download and install Pro? I just purchased Pro today and if it's not going to work I will request a refund. WWWazzup? Oh, if it matters, I have an Imac with 2 ghz processor.

Only A Hobo November 19th, 2005 06:53 PM

Which basic version are you using and what java version do you have?

I don't quite understand if you have installed the new pro. Also ... installation normally deletes the old version. If the old version is running you cannot open a second Limewire simultaneously.

Ensure you have a copy of your old LW or The installer somewhere safe in case of problems with the new version, although that is unlikely.

Please let us have more details.

stlouie November 19th, 2005 09:24 PM

Pro and OSX10
Thx Hobo,

I have been using Basic Limewire 4.9.34 and I think, I'm not too swift at the real tech stuff, I have Java 1.4.2........I've been using the above version of basic LW. I downloadded and followed the installer for Pro. Basic is stil there and usable. When I click on the newly downloaded icon for Pro, a little box opens in the middle of the screen like basic does but it says LW Pro. The icon also appears in the dock. Then both disappear in about 3 seconds and basic is there and usable. I don't think I can try downloading Pro again because it's going to want me to pay again. UGH! I'm about ready to cancel Pro if I can get a refund, delete all, and try to find a better P2P software. I also have a problem that I can't view windows media files, which seem to be in the majority....but that's another story that I just need to work on.

Lord of the Rings November 19th, 2005 10:09 PM

I'd suggest to do a SAFE Boot & Repair Permissions. I wouldn't recommend attempting to open both versions of LW simultaneously. They won't run at the same time! I know I've tried it. lol :D To get the Pro downlder again, click here & bookmark your personal downld page.

For an OSX user, I'm not sure why you'd be interested in windows media files. They're generally poor quality for a start. And many are just spam or porn. VLC - (click on link) _ (choose nearest mirror site) will play type 1 WMV files. You can see what it can play here

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