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stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 03:22 PM

so that's why now i know your comp shouldn't be slow compared to others and i also which to buy a G5 i'd like a mac to be able to help people more precisly that have macs, and also to do many other things.....

Lord of the Rings September 17th, 2004 03:32 PM

macs r not cheap! But they've always had a graphics advantage over pc's even though that diff is not so much nowadays. I prefer the way the processor handles data & they way the os handles ram. Not to mention windows was a copy of a version of macos that was decided to not be used. mac is designed to be easy to use. But depending on how u use it, it can be less than easy as well if you get further down to low level os use. eg-unix, scripting, etc. But it can depend whether you're a novice or not at that level.

stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 04:02 PM

hmm thanks for the info lord really appretiated, you see i've never even seen a mac before in my life but I'd like to try it out whatever the cost

murasame September 17th, 2004 06:07 PM

Speaking of G5 (and completely out of subject), have you guys seen the new G5 iMac? Boy, I'm gonna get me on of those (...). In my dreams I already have one, hehe :p

Lord of the Rings September 17th, 2004 06:21 PM

Again, totally out of topic, I've seen pics of it. But still, I'd prefer expansion room. I'd eat the whole cake.

murasame September 17th, 2004 06:47 PM

Yeah, that is a problem, but they say in the Apple site that you can open it up by removing the back. Maybe it can get some expansions like RAM (much like the G4 iMac can)

stupididiot69er September 17th, 2004 06:57 PM

yeah i'd like expantion room two i always add in stuff(totally out of subject but oh well)
I'll research on it a little

Lord of the Rings September 18th, 2004 09:02 AM

The original iMacs had everything moulded together in a tin can so to speak. If any component had a problem, then it could be a major issue. Plus not much in the way of expansion. But iMacs have gradually been getting better in regards to expansion - at least for ram such as up to 1.5 GB. But if you wanted xtra hdd space you'd have to go for an external. Also no space for specialist cards.

murasame September 18th, 2004 10:34 AM

Yeah, RAM or Airport. You have to choose b/w the two.
I heard though that some high-speed HDs can actually be faster than the built-in HD. Weird... But if that's the case (and provided that the HDs in question don't cost a billion bucks) then I wouldn't mind getting one.

stupididiot69er September 18th, 2004 12:06 PM

I wouldn't ind getting one of them either but what to you mean by airport. I'm not familiar with mac terms and heven't had enaugh time to research but with you guys who needs it!!

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