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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2008
Join Date: February 26th, 2008
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upsetparent is flying high
Default Someone please help me (? corrupted file -> dead iPod)

I am an extremely upset parent. I bought my son an ipod nano for Christmas. Needless to say I am not ipod savy. But my son told me all his friends download songs from limewire so I signed him up and paid $35 for a full year of unlimited downloads. Well, for my $35 his ipod is now DEAD! We took it to an apple store and were told there was probably a corrupt file downloaded. So what the f**k did I pay $35 to kill a $200 ipod? I want a pro-rated portion of my limewire fee refunded and my account deleted so my son can not use limewire at all. Please help.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2008
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Psst...over here!
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Sorry you've had a bad experience, but we don't work for LW. This forum is a support forum for gnutella clients run by volunteers.

LW doesn't give refunds(it's stated on their site), Your account will be automatically deleted once your free updates runs out. Besides the free version is always available.
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2008
Join Date: February 27th, 2008
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Cinder_ella is flying high

Have you visited the ipod site? There are ways to restore the ipod, which may help you. I use limewire also for my ipod (user for 3years+) and have never encountered this problem, not to say it can't happen. My daughter has a gen 3 ipod and it does some stupid things like freezing up and just quitting
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2008
Join Date: February 26th, 2008
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upsetparent is flying high
Default Oooops

Sorry about that.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2008
Join Date: February 26th, 2008
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upsetparent is flying high
Default Cin drella

Thanks for that info. We have done everything they have instructed us to do through at apple. we have an appointment tonight to go to an apple store. what a racket.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 27th, 2008
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Something you might consider, Upsetparent. Limewire isn't a program for Kids. There are way to many things worse on Limewire than what happened to your kids Ipod. First of all you download Limewire because your son's friends have it?? Did YOU Think about maybe doing a little research or checking to see what LW is all about?? Did you also know that downloading Copyrighted Material is Illegal?? Do you have a clue what Peer 2 Peer is?? These are very valid Questions that you should have checked into before ever downloading Limewire or any P2P Program.

There is also a Free version of Limewire called Basic. If you would have done your homework you could have Killed your $200.00 Ipod for Free.
I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 28th, 2008
Join Date: February 26th, 2008
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upsetparent is flying high
Default Remoc

Yes you are right I did not do my homework. But I thought all this illegal download stuff was taken care of by the government laws. How come LimeWire is still in business and so many people use them? I'm baffled. I thought the $35 was a good deal for one full year. So I wasn't downloading "free" music, although I am sure you will insist we were. After spending 3 hours in an Apple store for a 10 minute appointment, no one could say why the ipod nano "crashed & burned" or even that it had. No one knows what caused this. Although, we were enlightened to the fact that you can not unplug it at any time while downloading. I was not hoovering over the computer when this happend but there is always the possibilty he unplugged it. We learned some things and yes we will only use itunes from now on. I bought the $29 electric outlet charger because we were told it is not good to charge the ipod through the computer. I am not making this stuff up. I also bought a one year extended warranty. I told my son he has to pay for the downloads. This whole concept is a racket. I will never purchase another Apple product. End of story.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 1st, 2008
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I use limewire and my ipod and never had a problem. You just have to check what you download before you put it into your itunes. Try again and see what happens. I will second what was said that sometimes ipods freeze for no apperant reason but you reset and move on.
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