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  #202 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Grandpa
Do she remember what the message was when LimeWire crashed. Try doing the .limewire fix in the link below.
The crash I've metioned in my conversation with LOTR was actually a Frost Wire crash, not a Lime Wire (sorry, I just copied that part of my post from a post I got a reply to from LOTR to a connection problem I had with both LW and FW -see here- )
But I followed your link to the post of LOTR and of course tried again the .limewire fix (can't remember how many times I've already deleted this folder -I should already have a hole in my partition from doing so). I also tried/ am trying to download a movie from magnetmix (the_scene_xvid_episode 1, which has 31,196 KB). My download speed varies, as well as the number of hosts. 2-4 hosts with a download speed of 0-3 KB/s and frequently "Waiting on busy host", with Turbo Charged connection. I tried this download under varies set ups. Once with only this movie in my download field and all others canceled. Then once with all my incomplete downloads in the download field with "Awaiting hosts". And another time with 2-3 other movies trying to connect or being connected with download speeds of around 0-2KB/s per movie. The result for the magnetmix movie was/ is the same in every set up.
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