This is more of a question more than anything else. I hope somebody out there has some serious Kung Fu since I am only a lowly student of computer martial arts with no master to teach me. Like the lowly Ronin I learn from those I cross paths with. Here is my question: I have no idea how I got what appears to be a porn download that hides from all attempts to locate it and keeps popping up on Creative Media player and I can not find it with Win Explorer to try to excise said demond from my system. It is only 34kb (yes, ONLY 34kb) and it has the name AAAAAAAAAA (I am not sure exactly how many As are in it but htat is how it shows itself). The real issue is I never recall wanting or attempting to DL this file nor do I have any interrest in such material on my computer since I DL music only on LimeWire. My sexlife is healthy enough to not need any assistance in getting things warmed up. Worst is that this file likes to put itself on my play list and I immediately get redirected to a site to get a DRM licence but thanks to some of my software it is treated like a popup and the site gets blocked (GO TREND MICRO PCCILLIN! which has proven to be one of the better antivirus programs out)! I want to extract this Malware from my system but so far every attemt to get at it has been a bust. I have some suspicions about this file and would like info on how to locate it and how to get rid of it.
At the moment I am running a full scan and that takes time. I would be willing to bet it is far more than 34kb. It also appears to be putting itself on the playlist more than once.
On a personal note I think if industry (meaning companies like Sony) that try to dump rootkits and other malware on our computers deserve to have their systems infected with things like the CH_virus or Ivan the Terrible just to show them how we feel about their corperate greed getting past common sense leading to them attempting to take control of our systems from us. Unfortunately the difference is that if we do such things to them it is illegal hacking where they ride the gray zone of what is legal with such attempts at introducing things into our computers without our knowledge. If anything we all need to constantly complain like hell to them and stop purchasing their products until they get the hint we do not as concientous computer users do not appreciate their going into places they do not belong. Until then we need to keep our defenses up and help one another find ways of defeating such vile attempts on our privacy and the free exchange of knowledge and art. So much for my rantings...
If anybody can help me with what I am facing I would vastly appreciate it! Thanks everybody for the chance to be a part of the LimeWire community!
The day one stops learning is the day that person dies!
Knowledge is Power!