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Old August 4th, 2008
Meri051846 Meri051846 is offline
Join Date: August 4th, 2008
Posts: 5
Meri051846 is flying high
Unhappy Unnecessary rudeness from LimeWirePRO tech help!

Hello...I am new to this group, but cannot seem to get any answers for my current problem with LimeWire PRO. In fact, I feel the tech who answered my request was downright rude. Here is what I wrote (and this was a second request on my part after waiting for over a week):

"Hello! I just renewed because I got a renewal notice, but the version I am being offered is one I already have. Also, I think I actually renewed EARLY. Will I still get credit for me whole six-month contract from the last time I renewed in February? When will me new contract date start? Thank you! THIS IS MY SECOND REQUEST ASKING FOR HELP. I HOPE SOMEONE WILL ANSWER THIS TIME! I THOUGHT THE PRO VERSION INCLUDED TECH HELP. PLEASE RESPOND!"


PROBLEM: Other Issues

OS: Windows_XP_home_edition

LW VERSION: 4.18.3



LAST PURCHASE: 2008-07-27 18:12:09-04

I'll admit I was, and still am, frustrated with not getting a response to my first query, but here is the answer I received from my "second request":


"If you send ANY further messages, like the one below, you will get NO


Now, I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I think that was quite uncalled for and very rude. I have been a supporter of LimeWire PRO now for a very long time and have only asked for help on a couple of occasions. Maybe Zenzele was having a bad day, but PLEASE, would it hurt to be a little more professional? I believe I have a legitimate complaint here and would appreciate hearing what anyone else has to say about it and if anyone else has received this kind of "help".

Thank you!
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