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Old February 6th, 2016
h4x5h17 h4x5h17 is offline
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
I occasionally see ultrapeers with port 80 but this might be for a different reason. An example was one using Cabos but not using cable. I can verify a particular cable using host having used port 80 but they are using an app that can utilize forced ultrapeer mode. I've wondered if this is the case. (I'm against forced ultrapeer mode being available in apps except perhaps for testing. I talked bigjx into removing it from WireShare because it potentially damages the network if the host is firewalled.)
It wouldn't be so bad to have force ultrapeer, if it was only able to function as a way to initiate a network. Once a network was built up statistics should determine who is an ultrapeer. If the option is selected it should atleast be tested against someones firewall status. If you cannot listen from your external IP, then it should be forced disabled.

I think some apps will note behavior of ultrapeers that cannot preform as expected. Probably because some clients have an outdated idea of what good performance is, and haven't been updated to modern capacities (I haven't looked at enough client code to know).

As for VPN, yeah no doubt people should do the research about each specific VPN. As a whole, USA might not be the best place to obtain one but that's purely IMHO from what I've read about each one's protection policies and potential for government or other interference.
Completely agree with you. The US is a ugly place right now. But you can see that disease ardently spreading.

Last edited by h4x5h17; February 6th, 2016 at 08:48 AM.
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