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Old February 24th, 2004
rubaiyat rubaiyat is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: February 17th, 2004
Posts: 62
rubaiyat is flying high

Originally posted by Peerless
A comment on "speed" is relative...and also download speeds a very dependant upon the signal you send back to the supplier that indicates you got the packets sent...if your upstream is maxed out, you will not have enough bandwidth to efficiently communicate with the supplier, and the next packet will not be sent...i.e., your speeds will suffer...are you maxing out your connection rubaiyat ????...I know I can very easily, and my speeds are way above yours (350KB/s down, 45 KB/s up)...
Have you noted my bandwidth at all? You haven't said yours but obviously it is greater than mine.

Also note that Poisoned achieves max bandwidth without my having to fiddle with settings. A few ther posters have experienced the same.

[i]just because you think there are no viruses/worms/etc. for Macs means nothing...I'll bet a dollar to your dime that there are plenty, not nearly as many as for Windoze (supply/demand, popularity, shear number of users, etc....), but they still exist, and will become more prevalent as Macs gain more of a user base...[/B]
"I'll bet", again now that you have "bet"... it is a fact.

Name one! Just because it is natural on your OS you presume the same for mine. I field stacks of the nasties most days. My Mac actually protects my PC.

[i]also, a thought on your favorite little scans Gnutella and other networks eh???? does it also share to them ??(methinks not, and this is a phenomenom among certain p2p clients which has become rather popular as of late...I call it LEECHING...the type of leeching that has big ugly teeth, and should be dealt with appropriately) [/B]
Methinks not at all. Then me immediately presumes, then me immediately declares that a fact because me has not even asked. Me being like most of the posters here.

Yes Poisoned shares and shares at a far greater pace than it DLs. I am well aware of the etiguette. If you had bothered reading my original post in this thread you would have seen that.

[i]oh, as an afterthought...I used LW last night (newest Pro version...) and had a total download speed of about 120 KB/s going, and was also using Direct Connect (oDC is my client) and was uploading to 3 ppl with a total BW use of around 25KB/s, downloading at about 70KB/s and still had the bandwidth to supply users on Gnutella...then again, I'm a Windoze user...maybe that's why I have no speed issues? [/B]
Again bandwidth. I agree the experience of PC users vs Mac users is eminently different... with LimeWire. Poisoned seems to deliver as much as the bandwidth allows. Ipso Facto it is not the HW/OS and therefore it comes back to LW not working as well on my set-up as yours. What is different on mine? Well the OS, the bandwidth, my location and my ISP (tho I have tried several).

I am constantly accused of not detailing my set-up. Mostly I am not given the chance, since the argument constantly revolves around whether I can even speak, or my intelligence, or the like.

Those achieving the high transfer should state their OS, HW, location, physical network, whether they have a default installation, their settings, whether they have to fiddle with ports or strike special deals with their ISPs.

Then at last we may have something to compare. For those who have not been paying attention mine is:

Mac OS 10.3.2 or 10.2.8 on a Mac G4 400Mhz AGP with 1.25Gb RAM, I am downunder, I access my ISP via VDSL using PPPoE (10/100), default installation, Firewall is off, I have not fiddled with my ports, my ISP says it has nothing blocking Gnutella (whether this is true I can't say).

Last edited by rubaiyat; February 24th, 2004 at 06:14 PM.
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