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DMF February 4th, 2005 08:38 PM

Port Fwd -> searches quit working??
I am running 4.2.6 on W2k over cable modem with a NAT router. When I first brought up LW, searches to all appearances worked fine. But my completion rate wasn't good, and my uploads few and far between. So I "Forced IP" (still not sure what that is), then locked internal IP and port forwarded through the router.

Cool! Suddenly my completion % jumps way up, lots of uploads (I had to limit), and I started seeing lots more queries, suggesting that I'm meshing with the other peers much better.

The problem is that my search results have gone to hell. I would (before port forwarding) search on '***'songs and get like 250 hits. Now I get 20!

Search on 'Mozart' and get 8 (EIGHT!? *I'm* serving more than that!) hits. 'Les C***l' used to get about 175. Now maybe 10. 'M***y B***s' == 1 ONE bloody hit.

What the heck is going on?
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Lord of the Rings February 4th, 2005 10:45 PM

What type of connection do you have?

Let LW settle down before doing anything. Depending on how many incomplete & shared files this can take a while for them to load & be accounted for & for attempts to be made to connect to each individual incomplete. Also do not use your Resume function on all your incompletes in order to get them started. This can play havoc with LW's connection quality, & use up all of LW's & your comp's resources. And it's not the most effective way to get files to start & find sources.

DMF February 4th, 2005 11:06 PM

As I said above, cable modem. 3 down, 1 up (I think). Connection Quality shows 'Turbocharged'. I did the port forwarding Wednesday and LW's been up since then. That should be quite enough time for it so "settle down", don't you think?

Please try a search on 'Mozart' and tell me what your hit count is. I can't believe that the 3 found on my last retry is anywhere close to real.

Lord of the Rings February 4th, 2005 11:12 PM

May I recommend you update to LW 4.4.1? Sorry I have something to do for a short time so I was quickly going thru some threads I'm subscribed to.

Lord of the Rings February 4th, 2005 11:30 PM

I did a search for Mozart & got over 300 results. (to be more specific it was 350)

So when you did the port forwarding, you set up a static ip?

DMF February 5th, 2005 12:17 AM


Mozart just produced 30 hits. And the search seemed to take quite a while. I'm currently connected to 30 peers and 24 leaves. Is that normal?

trap_jaw4 February 5th, 2005 12:50 AM

did you forward both tcp AND udp ports?

DMF February 5th, 2005 09:29 AM

Not explicitly. My router doesn't seem to make the distinction.

Hmm.. *I* don't make the distinction. What does the packet type have to do with address translation?

Lord of the Rings February 5th, 2005 09:35 AM

How do you have LW's Firewall settings set? Tools>Options>Advanced>Firewall.
And are you using LW 4.4?

DMF February 5th, 2005 11:40 AM

No, as I stated in the first sentence of the first post I'm using 4.2.6. 4.4 is still in beta. When it's ready for general release I'll upgrade.

Firewalls page has Force IP checked, with the default port.

Note that a fellow recently complained in the Upload/Download section that his searches have gone to hell, too.

Another factor to add into the equation, I'm filtering searches by restricting to 3 stars and cable model or better. I tried that earlier - before I changed the router configuration - and obviously saw fewer hits, but nothing like this.

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