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Morgwen February 27th, 2004 03:12 AM


Originally posted by rubaiyat
P 16 LW 3
For the last time, since your other client connects to four networks you will find more sources with it, ergo this client "should" be faster than Limewire, remember Limewire uses only Gnutella! Perhaps you can test it, look if your client has the option to connect to Gnutella ONLY and see how fast it is with one network...


rubaiyat February 27th, 2004 04:01 AM

Thanks for letting me know how to delete my post, something I will no doubt find useful.

So if you don't see my post, you'll know I have done it s:-)

I got you the first time about being a Gnutella purist. Given the problem for the original poster, cosburn, many others in this forum and myself is to get better transfers why would I want to limit the client that actually gets the job done?

Just as I find it hard to understand how posters can say both that their clients are easy to set up and operate, then tell me I must correctly adjust the settings (is that: Menu > Settings > Correct/Incorrect) and devote my life to "understand" Gnutella better (I should read the manual).

If I need to make unspecified setting adjustments and need to learn the deep inner workings of p2p networks to get acceptable performance, where is the "easy"?

ursula February 27th, 2004 05:39 AM


Originally posted by rubaiyat
I got you the first time about being a Gnutella purist.
Morgwen is in no way a 'Gnutella Purist'.

Given the problem... is to get better transfers why would I want to limit the client that actually gets the job done?
NO ONE is suggesting what you allude to above.
What people ARE telling you is that it is not correct in any manner to make these continuous 'comparisons' with anything other than 'like with like'.
Morgwen's comments to you in his recent posts have been completely correct.

Just as I find it hard to understand how posters can say both that their clients are easy to set up and operate, then tell me I must correctly adjust the settings...
This is not meant to be taken as being insulting to you, but one of the very clear ways of determining the true level of experience of someone vis a vis computers is to determine just exactly how well they understand THE FUNDAMENTAL REALITY TODAY that, for practical purposes on this planet, NO TWO COMPUTERS ARE THE SAME (regardless of how similar said machines may appear to be from a view of their specifications or installed software or marketing hype.) Whether PC or Mac, computers today remain primitive devices with still NO complete commonality. The 'image' which is promoted by the manufacturers of hardware and software that states or implies that these machines are 'wonders' capable of actually doing what is 'shown' in an advertising campaign is believed by the majority of the population... Believed ? Hey, almost worshipped by many !

The reality is that they are all still temperamental little monsters that only function in a most crude way, especially when it comes to issues of commonality in regards to any usage involving communications with the 'outside world'.

Hence the high 'probability' that 'some adjustments' may 'possibly' be required and that 'fundamental maintenance', (defragmentation of drives, etc., etc.) cannot be ignored.

If I need to make unspecified setting adjustments and need to learn the deep inner workings of p2p networks to get acceptable performance, where is the "easy"?
Your 'browser' crapped out on you a short time ago... I'll bet the dudes that made that for you REALLY said it was all easy, hmmm ?
In order to use the internet with 'acceptable performance' it is necessary to have a fairly comprehensive understanding of the workings of the internet - Contrary to ALL nonsense promoted by the computer industry, practically NOTHING WORKS PROPERLY 'STRAIGHT OUT OF THE BOX'.

You must try to understand that it is absurd to continue this nonsense of comparing performance of p2p clients while limiting yourself to only references to dissimilar networks.

This thread is approaching a state of "Must Move To The General Discussion Forums"...

NOT because it is 'unfriendly' to LimeWire, but because it is (through your good efforts)
losing any connection with having anything to do with LimeWire.

Morgwen February 27th, 2004 05:45 AM


Originally posted by rubaiyat
why would I want to limit the client that actually gets the job done?
I thought you want to know why your client is faster? If not why are we discussing here??? :confused:


If I need to make unspecified setting adjustments and need to learn the deep inner workings of p2p networks to get acceptable performance, where is the "easy"?
You donīt need to learn the deep inner workings of p2p for an acceptable performance but you should know about what you are talking before you claim what is better and what not. For an acceptable performance there isnīt much to know, only how to configure your firewall or how you can to forward a port (all Limewire options), its enought to read the faq!!!


then tell me I must correctly adjust the settings (is that: Menu > Settings > Correct/Incorrect)
Maybe I missed it, but I didnīt see where you posted your settings... how should we tell you if this is correct or not?


I got you the first time about being a Gnutella purist.
I donīt know what you mean with Gnutella purist, but if you think its my favorite network you are wrong, I mainly use the donkey network because I download mainly larger files and there is no better network for larger files. You see I have no problems that you use an other client but you should AT LEAST know what about you are talking before you share your wisdom...


rubaiyat February 27th, 2004 08:21 AM

I should be more careful in my use of English when I know you are not principally English speakers, no matter how well you speak it. s:-)

By "got" I meant I understood. You are asking me to run only the gnuttela plugin in Poisoned so that we can compare gnutella in LW with gnutella in P?

I understand why you might ask that but from the point of the user who wants better performance this is not a good comparison. P derives much of its performance from being a superclient.

That LimeWire is not, is just too bad for LimeWire.

You keep repeating I should learn to configure my firewall. I have it turned off, is that not enough? And port forwarding I thought was just to get through the firewall.

I'm hesitent to give out my settings to just anyone reading this forum, but I went through them with stief. We also tested direct transfers between us using LW in both directions, they went fast enough. It is real world DLs in LW that are slow and mostly broken.

Morgwen February 27th, 2004 11:19 AM


Originally posted by rubaiyat
I understand why you might ask that but from the point of the user who wants better performance this is not a good comparison. P derives much of its performance from being a superclient.
I think it would give you the anwser you are searching for but its your decision... and nobody said you should leave it with only one network.


You keep repeating I should learn to configure my firewall. I have it turned off, is that not enough? And port forwarding I thought was just to get through the firewall.
I meant this in general, this is a very common problem. About port forwarding yes you need it to go through a firewall, but only if you canīt set it up - at work or universities for exaample.


I'm hesitent to give out my settings to just anyone reading this forum
I really donīt know why we discussed the days? You donīt want to test the things I suggest and ask to improve your settings but donīt give any information about them...


It is real world DLs in LW that are slow and mostly broken.
Argh... test it with YOUR client and we will see if this is a Limewire problem or a general Gnutella problem or one of the dozen things we guessed...


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