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mickjapa108 May 23rd, 2007 01:08 AM

Ynot Hi
What £s do you pay for your connection ?

How long have you had this connection ?

Try Downloading at 8pm see how you get on
OH!! Keep One eye on your tiscali E mail, you will get a warning then You will be moved on to another server, For heavy users.

Your living in a fools paradise my friend.

mozza May 24th, 2007 02:33 PM

another annoyed uk tiscali user here with the same probs - cant get connected to any music download sites, despite going through help pages and taking the advice there. I havent managed to download anything here since December 06. The time of day makes no difference. Bearshare's the only one that actually connects for me, but with very few search results or none at all, so not much cop there either really.

From another shortly lost tiscali customer.

mozza May 29th, 2007 12:54 PM

Just an update on my last post
After reading an earlier post on here, I tried using LW at an unusually unearthly time of 7am, which I had never done before (who would at that time in the morning?) but tried this, just out of curiosity.
LW worked perfectly! I couldn’t believe it, after spending hours of finding out where this other firewall was showing as blocking me to the LW connection that I knew nothing about - that’s because there wasn’t a second firewall on my PC (I had already made an exception for LW in the windows firewall, the only firewall that I knew of on my PC).
The answer that took me 6months to find out, was tiscali limiting me at peak time. Tiscali had previously advised me to uninstall their program and then reinstall it, to try and cure my connection problems.
It made no difference in using LW and took 4 hours to try and regain an internet connection!! plus an hour on the helpline to them.
I have been on LW for 3 days in a row at this time and it still works!! Bliss!! However , the LW connection icon bars start to reduce at about 11 am and at this point the downloading process stops.
I would advise anyone with same prob on Tiscali to give this a try, it maybe your only solution until you switch your ISP.

johnyboy May 29th, 2007 02:27 PM

> The answer that took me 6months to find out, was tiscali limiting me at peak time.

is it definitely them actually blocking do you think? or a case of too much traffic in general? it is probably actual blocking isn't it, because web pages etc continue to work ok.

i've been emailing them continuously for the last few months and i received a phone call message from them today about me not being able to use p2p during non peak hours. i was out and they said they'd try again later.

i've had an email from them categorically stating they do not block p2p traffic. there surely is a legal issue here?

i can't use lw at all at the moment -- no connection so can't search. maybe it'd work at 7am but it isn't at about 1 or 2 am.

> I have been on LW for 3 days in a row at this time and it still works!! Bliss!! However , the LW connection icon bars start to reduce at about 11 am and at this point the downloading process stops.

so you're getting 4 hours a day of p2p use and that's it? and that's bliss?!

does what port is used (in lw's preferences) make any difference has anyone found?

johnyboy May 29th, 2007 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by newbee2 (Post 269822)
hi one and all, update on Tiscali,u used to be able to use frostwire without problems, but they have sussed that now ! Can't use LWire or FWire until midnight(if you are classed as a heavy user ! ) i.e. download up to 1gig per day,totally illegal what they are doing as they advertise ''Unlimited Downloads '' even heard a radio advert this week for Unlimited downloads.

i don't get this -- i was unable to use lw during peak hours (and more hours either side -- *many* hours before during the weekend) right from day one of signing up to tiscali at which point of course i can't possibly have been a heavy user.

amanda33 May 30th, 2007 07:45 AM

I am unfortunately with tiscali and at peak times my computer just freezes and nothing happens. As you say until during the day but not in the evening. I have read all the threads but is there actually an answer to this or just change supplier?


muhctekdano May 30th, 2007 08:19 AM

Figure out what your other ISP options are, first. See how they stack up to your current ISP. I'm not sure you can do much worse (from what I read), but I would check it out first (search these forums for other ISPs available to you) before I made a decision.

Good Luck :o


ukbobboy01 May 30th, 2007 09:30 AM

Tiscali e-mail 'hit' by spammers
To all Tiscali users

It seems that you cannot escape the pain of being a Tiscali user, now your email has been compromised by spammers.

Read the following to find out more:-

BBC NEWS | Technology | Tiscali e-mail 'hit' by spammers

UK Bob

newbee2 June 4th, 2007 06:15 PM

Very Interesting UK Bobby,Thanks,and yes I've had some problems, but hadn't worked out what was going with on with email until your post !! Other problems are now well recognised with Tiscali, a total CON !!
HOORAY contract is up soon !!!!!!
Guess what I'll be doing !!!!!!

Pogle July 16th, 2007 02:21 PM

well my first posting on here, but thanks - I can rest easy knowing it is NOT Limewire, not my address... but Tiscali. I am a very low use downloader but get nothing at all except for very late in the evening. As LW starts up, I get POOR CONNECTION very briefly then cut - lots of activity trying to connect.. my next email is to Tiscali, then to look for another provider.. the hours I spent trying to get LW started...

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