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sumpchild December 28th, 2005 10:51 AM

Child Porn :(
What does the LW Admins do about Users who shares Child Porn? I got a chock today when i found a user, who got like 1036 illegal files with Child porn. Personally I think its the most disgusting harms of action to commit irl. If u dont do anything about the illegal activities on LW i need to know why, because i rather call the FBI or other autorities to stop that kind of dirty actions! :(

Only A Hobo December 28th, 2005 12:30 PM

Hi Sumpchild. You are not alone in being utterly digusted by Child Porn, and without going into a tirade against the *******s who pedal and create the stuff, these are the facts concerning Limewire.

Limewire connects users overe the Gnutella p2p network. Users can offer for download by others anything they like. Music pictures videos and so on . Limewire has absolutely no control over what is offered, and if they had they would have gone the way of the original Napster and Grockster. The fact that Limewire operates differently from them is one reason that Limewire, fortunately still exists.

Users can do something about Child Porn and calling the FBI is not a bad idea. The ip numbers of the child porn peddlars are shown along with their shared files and these can be tracked. If you chose search above right and search for "kiddie porn" or "child porn" You will find more information on exactly who it is best to report such cases to.

As I have said, this is not something Limewire can do anything about, due to the way it operates, but in this forum, as far as many of us are concerned the more that we can do to put child Porn merchants behind bars, the better.

Hyper-kun December 28th, 2005 02:28 PM

How do you what it is without downloading it? If you have downloaded it, then bad news for you: The FBI is going to arrest you within the next few days. Have you considered that the FBI is actively sharing archive material on Gnutella to capture lolipedo-fins?

Besides, the IP addresses shown for search results are far from being any evidence. The only way to find out who really shares something, is to download a file and *then* check the IP address. However, due to the vast amount of hijacked machines nowadays, it is not so unlikely that the uploading party is just a victim and not even aware of sharing or possessing these files. There have been exactly such cases even before Gnutella existed. Fairly normal people have lost their existence because of false-accusations concerning "child abuse". People are good in jumping to conclusions with any facts at hand.

Using Microsoft Windows whilst being connected to the internet is a modern version of Russian roulette. Unfortunately, most of the time the irresponsible computer are not the ones who are affected by hit. At least I've never heard of anyone losing his job or friends because his computer had been turned into a spam spewer.

I wouldn't suggest to anyone searching for "kiddie porn" or "child porn" anywhere. If you do, expect getting lynched by some random admin or bystander who is on a crusade because you are "obviously" a lolipedo-fin in search of material.

I could be wrong but I would actually assume the vast amount of real (not faked) child porn is produced in Russia or Asian countries, not in the US. That's none of the FBI's business anyway. Last but not least, keep in mind that even if all lolipedo-fins that appear in any available material have been executed/killed/jailed the material will still be available.

LordofShadows December 28th, 2005 06:26 PM

so is it really possible to catch pedophiles ? thats good to hear seeing that these people could take advantage of the whole sharing files thing

mjmanus2005 March 31st, 2006 10:12 PM

Accidental encounter with CP, whats going to happen??
:eek: Omg i am so scared, I accidently downloaded a child porn picture ON ACCIDENT! I was downloading a lot of legal adult stuff, but when i opened one of the files it said "you have been pranked by the FBI, have a nice day", so i figured that it must have been child porn. Then when i went back to see the text that comes up after you hold the mouse over the file for a few secs, I was shocked to see that it said all this sick CP stuff. The headline text was completely different! I am now extremely scared that the FBI is going to come knocking on my door or something. Has anybody ever accidently encountered the same problem as me???

stief April 1st, 2006 05:47 AM

Haven't seen your case before, but don't worry. There are many files that are not what the name suggests.

Just delete the file.

cenois April 2nd, 2006 01:25 PM

how can i report files on limewire that had child porn on it?

AaronWalkhouse April 2nd, 2006 05:18 PM

Dont. Just stay away from that stuff and let the police do
what they're already doing. If you saw it, they saw it sooner.

h100mco July 14th, 2006 12:11 AM

i wouldnt worry about a single image too much, from the news coverage of arrests, it seams that you have to develop a pretty serious 'interest' to attract FBI etc attention, ive never heard of anyone being arrested for accidently downloading one photo, or stumbling onto a website etc.

jay173 July 30th, 2006 11:54 PM

most of these are from outside the country and of course america cannot prosacute forighners thats based on there own countrys laws and how messed up they are.

janegb88 April 14th, 2007 09:27 PM

Update On My Son

Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse
Dont. Just stay away from that stuff and let the police do
what they're already doing. If you saw it, they saw it sooner.

you answered my post about a month ago-he was the one that had downloaded from limewire and it had some child porn videos and it went through his college's website =they called the police-he got arrested-that was a year ago=we just went to vt for the arraignment and he was charged with 2 counts of child porn -one a video and another a picture and they threw the book at him. he is a kid that is 20 years old has never been in trouble doesn't drink smoke or do drugs but he choices are fight it and maybe go to jail for 5 years or take a deferred setence whch means he goes on probation for 2 years and then it gets erased-but during those 2 years he is a convicted felone and would have to register as a sex offender -we live in nm now and if he decided to do the probation out her that sex offender record would follow him for the rest of his life. he is not a sex offender or a pedophile he is a studpid kid that made a stupid mistake but that mistake may have ruined his life forever before he even got to have one.
any comments appreciated

AaronWalkhouse April 15th, 2007 02:29 AM

They didn't throw the book at him. They don't have the authority. Only a
judge or jury can do that, and in this case it looks like a jury is the way to go.

I'd fight it, and make sure the newspapers see how the prosecutor and police
are behaving. The purpose of any real prosecution is to bring criminals
to justice, not rack up notches on the old gunbelt by going after kids who fall
afoul of politicized causes by accident.

The balance in a criminal case is whether or not there is a reasonable doubt,
so don't let those scumbags tell you that "confessing" falsely is in any way the
right thing to do.

Dollars to donuts there's an election coming up, isn't there? Get the reporters
to draw recollection to that prosecutor in that Duke University bogus r4pe
case. Get the judge to put a publication ban on the boy's identity and go for
the throat of those guys while the odds are with you. Don't let them trick you
into silence for any reason. Take advantage of the privacy the judge
gives you to put their faces on papers and TV as many times as you
can. Even if the judge refuses a publication ban, don't hesitate to go to war.

Don't get scared. Get angry. They're going for an easy victim, so you go for blood.
Remind them of the stakes and make sure they know you are more determined
to fight their crime than they are to manufacture one for their own
benefit. They may have money but you have the time and genuinely care,
and that's your advantage.

Of course, get a lawyer to see if the above advice will work in your state.
Some of them are still in the stone age when it comes to real justice.

There's your pep talk, now find a lawyer who agrees with it. Start with the
law students at your boy's college and they'll get things rolling for free and
help you find a defender who values justice over money.

Have fun, and good hunting. :xeri_ok1ani:

janegb88 April 15th, 2007 04:45 AM

Thank You So Much For Responding And I Do Have A Lawyer In Vt Where It Happened And Nm Where We Live. The Vt Lawyer Sucks But The Nm One May Be Able To Help Us I Am Into This So Far For 20,000. I Read The Police Report And The Charges. They Say He Has A 14 Minute Video And A Picture--again Only 2 Counts -i Am Sure They Can Prove That But It Was Something He Got Off Of Limewire When He Was Downloading Regular Porn--just Like All The Other Posts Talk About When You Search For Reular Porn You Get Kiddie Porn And In My Son's Case It May Have Ruined His Life-

ukbobboy01 April 15th, 2007 05:29 AM


First of all, I would like to wish you and your family all the best as you go through this tough time of trying to rescue your son from his moment of thoughtlessness.

Secondly, I am not a US citizen and so not familiar with US law but here in the UK the law is based on intent, meaning that you intended to do what you did (there is some fancy Latin name for this). Now consider this, as lots of files on the P2P network have been deliberately misnamed, by who no one knows, and so by checking the names on these illegal files it can be shown that your son was not after them but really after legal files. And also most experienced P2P/Limewire users will tell you that most of the time we don’t really know what we are downloading until it’s downloaded or take special precautions (such as Bitzy).

Therefore, if what you say is true, it would be hard pushed for any (proper) legal system to convict on what was an accidental download.

Another small thing to remember, whenever you download stuff USING Limewire you are actually downloading from other P2P users individual PCs, and possibly servers, and P2P users live all over the world.

Anyway, hope your authorities see sense and drop this case against a clearly naive youngster.

UK Bob

Mach1 April 29th, 2007 04:08 PM

illegal porn
Being newish to file sharing I have also had the misfortune to be confronted with horrendouse stuff like this and is quite terrifying. The thought that you have been logged somewhere against it is scary to say the least even accidentaly.
What can you do, who can you go to i have no idea.
As you dont know where it came from you dont know who to alert?
A very depressing state of affairs on a very depressing subject. Which the only solution (you may disagree) is not to file share which is the way I will go.
I am sure it will reduce eventually over time, till then i will give it a miss.
Mach1, a damaged person now.


r1f7e April 30th, 2007 07:43 AM

Hmm what measure's are being taken to minimize the exposure of "bs" like this ???

Mach1 April 30th, 2007 02:21 PM

illegal porn
It has helped me alot browsing the forum to see people working safely to eradicate it best they can and passing on info to help combat this s**t.
It also allowed me to find links to sites that you can report it to.
Here is a couple-
Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), combating child abuse images and criminal material online

kileyg July 3rd, 2007 05:43 AM

any help
Yes you can get arrested for accidentally opening child porn on limewire. My brother has been living with this nightmare and we are looking to find others that have been wrogly accused. my brother is not a criminal and has always lived as an extraordinary person, volunteering for various groups and charities. He is a well educated man with a successful career. While looking at adult porn on limewire he opened a file containing child porn and his life has been changed forever. He spent a night in prison, is a convicted felon and ow is a registered sex offender with nightly curfews and visits from the police. It is all very wrong when he is not a criminal and it is a flaw in the system of file sharing. Please is you know of any other cases please contact me and advise others to be careful....file sharing is dangerous!

kileyg August 8th, 2007 07:32 AM

It took about 6 months before being arrested, then almost a year through the court system. It has been incomprehensible to think the state would invest so much time and money when he is not a true criminal. It now seems like the state wanted him to be a part of the sex offender program because he would boost their numbers for success stories. It really depends on the state. I live in a different state than him and similiar cases are misdemeanors and not a big deal where as his is a felony and he has to register.

kileyg August 10th, 2007 08:58 AM

ok so he was downlaoding regular porn and a child porn image opened and he deleted it instantly and did not think much of it because he deleted it quickly. His computer then broke so he brought it in to be serviced and the image was discovered and reported to the police. Then 6 months later he started getting calls from a police detective...he travels for work so he was not always home. He was asked to come in and talk to them and then it all got rally scarry. We got a lawyer and when he went in they arrested him and held him for the night. The whole thing was out of control....his case was in the same court as real violent offenders...cold blooded murderers. It was a hellish experience for him and as we found out later his face was even on the news...all for an accidental download of one stupid image!!!! My advice to you is to destroy the computer if it breaks rather than have it serviced. I do not wish the experiences of my brother and family on anyone. Also many judges and lawyers are of an older generation (as are potential jurors) and are unfamiliar with the idea of file sharing and do not understand it. there was a computer forensics specialist involved but the image hung around in the hard drive despite the fact that it was deleted. this was all in the state of Illinois.
So now my brother is a convisted felon, on probation and a registered sex offender. He has a curfew and receives visits from the police at all hours of the night and weekly meeting with other sex offenders which he is finding to be traumatic more than anything.
He had not previus criminal history and had an impressive background and now his life may never be the same again. I hope I am able to help you in any way and answer your questions.

AaronWalkhouse August 10th, 2007 03:16 PM

This sounds just a little bit too convenient. Since when does a computer repair shop suddenly
become a computer forensics lab? You are implying they routinely undelete and snoop through
everything they can, which is as likely as police going into a tizzy over a single deleted image.

Case file number, please.

ukbobboy01 August 11th, 2007 06:28 AM

Snooping Repair Shops
Well Aaron

I don't know about the US but here in the UK if a repair shop looks at your hard drive you would never know unless they found something, after all that is how Gary Glitter got caught (a pop star that had a thing for underage girls).

Mr Glitter's computer broke down and he took it into a repair shop to get it fixed, the repair shop scanned his hard drive, found illegal images and then called the police. The rest of this "Gary Glitter" story is now in the public domain, the BBC has 30 pages starting here:

BBC - Search results for gary glitter

As for kileyg story, I sympathise but his brother ran the risk when he downloaded pornography because some scumbag was bound to rename CP as ordinary porn and catch someone out. Just like they rename children films as CP and we end with "computer novice parents" accusing us (forum members), the LW app, and the LW Org of all manners of evil.

I take it that kileyg brother was not that knowledgable about computers because most of us know that when a file is deleted from a hard drive it does not go immediately, it takes time before the space the file occupies is completely overwritten.

As far as kileyg brothers concerned I think the only thing available to him is the appeal system.

Good Luck.

UK Bob

DarkStorm2 August 12th, 2007 07:47 AM

Well, I am new here. I did some research from what I could understand from Cybertipline, FBI, and few others.

If you accidentally downloaded a file which turned to be a child pornography or illegal obscure materials. You immediately report it to the law enforcements and the Cybertipline (National Center for Missing and Explioted Children) about that instance. Be honest with them.

What I am saying is that reporting the child pornography immediately after you unintentionally discover the child pornography is definitely right thing to do. Ignoring the child porn is not what you should do, everyone have legal responsibilities to report them immediately regardless of their personal bias. If it should occur to you, you don't have to worry about getting in trouble because you REPORTED to the authorities.

There are several instance of people who immediately reported child porn to the law enforcement and Cybertipline after they accidentally recieved or dwonloaded child porn materials. They don't get in trouble because they reported as required by the laws.

I am not sure if anyone here would agree with me but it is still right thing to report them anyways.


FBI Publications - A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety

Should any of the following situations arise in your household, via the Internet or on-line service, you should immediately contact your local or state law enforcement agency, the FBI, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:
  1. Your child or anyone in the household has received child pornography;
  2. Your child has been sexually solicited by someone who knows that your child is under 18 years of age;
  3. Your child has received sexually explicit images from someone that knows your child is under the age of 18.
If one of these scenarios occurs, keep the computer turned off in order to preserve any evidence for future law enforcement use. Unless directed to do so by the law enforcement agency, you should not attempt to copy any of the images and/or text found on the computer.

The Cybertipline recommended the same thing.


FAQ: Child Sexual Exploitation

What should I do if I accidentally receive or download child pornography?

Images of child pornography are illegal and may be needed for evidence; it is imperative that you take the following steps:
  • Do not mail these images to law enforcement.
  • Call or visit the proper law-enforcement authority and ask how they would like to handle this evidence.
  • After speaking with the proper law-enforcement authority, follow their instructions.
  • After you have complied with their instructions, delete the images from your computer including from both the "Trash" and "Cache" areas.

However, the ECPAT-USA's faq say differently.



What should I do if I accidentally download child pornography or receive unsolicited child pornography via email?

The law requires you to destroy any child pornography in your possession and to contact law enforcement officials. If you do not, you can be prosecuted for possessing or receiving child pornography.

liberty August 13th, 2007 11:19 AM

friend clicked on site...
a friend a while back was searching on google regarding Chris Langham who was charged with accessing child porn. Due to the recent case of Chris Langham, he interested to know about sex offenders in my area. He typed in 'child porn cases' and sex offenders

He clicked a link and he got this message on the site:


The American Online Kiddie Porn Page!
Detritus is fully responsible for the creation of everything you will see. We must ask you to disclose your age below before allowing you access to this sensitive area of the web site.

By checking the following box, I am certifying that I am a legal adult, of at least 21 years of age. Furthermore, I will not hold Detritus personally responsible if I happen to be offended by the following presentation.

We appreciate your being a part of our ongoing investigation. Our new, state of the art, automated network information gathering and tracking control system has already documented your name, address, telephone number, and other pertinent information. Someone will be contacting you shortly. When our agents arrive to greet you, please be prepared, as they are working under a tight schedule, picking up other American Online deviants who have misplaced their morals.

Please do not attempt to evade us, as any effort to do so would be in vain. As you are reading this, your circle of family, friends, and co-workers are being informed that you have committed this morally, socially, and legally reprehensible act. You will not be permitted to re-enter society until you answer to these charges.

Before you try to fight these allegations and attempt to deny any involvement in criminal activities, please keep in mind how national security organizations operate; it would be far easier for you to end up dead than it would be to wade through the bureaucratic red tape of admitting the mistake of apprehending an innocent person. Perhaps you should admit your guilt while you still can. You are now one of people to have been entered into the database since 11/19/95.
Resistance is futile. Thank you for your cooperation.

A red ribbon, emblem of the Junior Anti-Sex League. We're here!

Return to Detritus.
Questions? Comments? Complaints? Congratulations? Send 'em to Big

He was very scared about this and emailed them and is awaiting response

Will the authorities come to his house although he is not from the U.S, but lives in europe? If they do persue him, how long is it before he is questioned or arrested?
Has anyone come across this site, or is it just garbage. Thanks.

DarkStorm2 August 13th, 2007 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by liberty (Post 283005)

He was very scared about this and emailed them and is awaiting response

Will the authorities come to his house although he is not from the U.S, but lives in europe? If they do persue him, how long is it before he is questioned or arrested?
Has anyone come across this site, or is it just garbage. Thanks.

It is more likely a pure garbage. The law enforcement agencies are less unlikely to let the real child pornographers know that they are caught or busted. :rolleyes:

Your friend should be fine considering that he didn't downloaded any child pornography materials, does he?

My guess, I would like to think that it is one of these anti-child porn vigilants which are generally dimly viewed by the law enforcement for a good reason. They could potentially hamper their operations against the criminals by scaring them away or disrupting it.

It was a reason why FBI, police, and National Center for Missing and Explioted Children generally advise against active vigilanism against the child pornography. The best recommandation as always - report all child pornography to the law enforcement authorities and let them do their own job.

kileyg August 26th, 2007 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse (Post 282549)
This sounds just a little bit too convenient. Since when does a computer repair shop suddenly
become a computer forensics lab? You are implying they routinely undelete and snoop through
everything they can, which is as likely as police going into a tizzy over a single deleted image.

Case file number, please.

In response to this post....the computer shop reported the image to the police, it was my brothers lawyers who hired the forensic computer experts and yes the police were in a tizzy over a single image!!! Yes as unbelievable as the situation seems it is all completely true and my reason for posting is to find others in a similar situation because I am sure there are more stories like this out there. Unfortunatley my brother was so naive that he did not realize that opening a file with CP was illegal when it was not marked as such and when he had no intention of viewing it intentionally or distributing it. CP is out there and it is wrong but something is wrong when my brother sits in his group meeting of sex offenders and he is now a felon for viewing an image and there are men sitting next to him with lesser misdeameanor sentences for violent **** and molestation. This is the honest truth as confusing and backwards as it may seem.

END3R September 2nd, 2007 04:29 PM

I downloaded a picture that was mislabeled, when i opened the file i found that it was child porn i immediately deleted it should i be worried at all?

AaronWalkhouse September 2nd, 2007 05:33 PM

Of course not. Don't get superstitious about it. ;]

karkensmama September 12th, 2007 07:19 AM

I have a question of my own for someone to hopefully answer. I seen on the site (somewhere) about requesting possible upgrade ideas.... (I had an emerg. here at home, and left the pc running, and my 3 yr old shut the darn thing off on me so I lost where I was...) I have a huge one that I think would help in tracking these sick people. Why not have something put into the program itself? What I mean is, you know how we can block users, mark a file being junk? Why not have something like that but for reporting Child Pornography? That way, when someone sees the file, they mark it, and the information from the users file, and pc is logged. The people who run LimeWire would have access to this info, and they could forward it to police. If ppl want to help stop this destructive sick cr@p we need to bang our heads together and help. Not leave it alone and let the FBI/RCMP deal with it. There is only so many officers/agents who are able to work at this. What are all of us doing? Sitting here reading. LOL

If any of you are a survivor from sexual abuse, remember how you felt. What if it was your son or daughter? I have two little girls, and have gone through abuse. Whatever way I can help, I do.

I hope I didn't offend anyone.

~ Krys

AaronWalkhouse September 12th, 2007 09:24 AM

Such a facility would inevitably be misused against people for a disturbing variety of
reasons. That's why it will never happen, and that's why such matters are best left in
the hands of trained, skilled and well-regulated investigators. We have all seen the
effects of surveillance societies and hopefully some of us have learned something
from those disastrous mistakes.

A point-and-click informant system seems like a nice idea on the surface when
you sell it with an anti-crime or anti-terrorist gloss but the end effect is the same
with very real and sometimes irreparable consequences to the accused and to the
community. That's why we have courts and the justice system.

ukbobboy01 September 12th, 2007 10:08 AM

No, to Witch Hunts

Aaron is completely right, such methods could easily see innocent people being accused of distributing CP, destroying families and costing people their homes and livelihood's. And what is worse, you personally would trust the LW org to police this system that you propose, I think that you must be very naive.

A few weeks back I noticed that a Limewire.exe file was in my Incomplete folder so I wrote to this forum about it. Through sheer persistence, one of the forum members found that the LW org were using my PC, as well as other users, to distribute Limewire without our express permission or knowledge. In other words they were stealing our Internet bandwidth.

Now, suppose some unscrupulous person got hold of this method and started to distribute CP via your computer without your knowledge. Under your rules you would be automatically reported to the police and the first time you would know that anything was wrong is when the police come to arrest you and seize your PC.

And, of course, you would be guilty because you could not prove that the CP on your PC was not yours.

The point I am making is simply this, you cannot put your faith or trust in an organisation that has its own agenda and is unaccountable to you.

And if someone or some organisation has the technical knowledge and ability to compromise your PC then they can and will, your PC is not 100% safe or secure.

I firmly believe that if you come across CP then report it, let the authorities find the bad guys. However, I will not condone or have anything to do with witch hunts simply because innocent people get hurt, sometimes irreversibly.

UK Bob

karkensmama September 12th, 2007 10:52 AM

Obviously our PC's are unsafe. That's a given. I suppose my proposal was a completely bad idea, and no one else has any idea on how to help the authorities. I suppose I will continue on my own with trying my best to help them catch these criminals. However my question is... Are you the ones that are gullible into believing that if you leave it up to police things are done faster because they are 'trained'? I believe so. The more people who act together, things are completed faster. But I guess in my eyes, that's just the way life is. You help someone, things get done faster, and more accurately. You don't help, and maybe someday it will end up being your child, or grandchild becoming one of the victims. So instead of sitting here and talking with people who by the looks of things do not have open minds, nor guts to stand up for our children, I will get off here and continue what I was doing prior to this. Helping capture sick animals, while knowing that I'm at least helping to protect my own children, and possibly yours.

PS: Concerning the comment about Child Porn mysteriously showing up in my PC without my knowledge and still be haled off in cuffs... Charges filed because of owning it... Where I'm living that is NOT the case. If you are truly knowledgeable in computer software/hardware, you will know that there are ways of getting hard core information that the normal Joe can't get his hands on.

As for that note, thank you for your replies. And thank you for sitting in front of your computer doing by the looks of things, NOTHING to help protect the innocent. Hopefully if you have kids, at least you are protecting them. Hopefully.

AaronWalkhouse September 12th, 2007 04:10 PM

Sacrificing constitutional and legal protections for "speed" is never a wise idea.
The reason these matters should be left to the police are many but two that stand
out are fairness and accuracy. Obviously this is a hot-button issue and that is why
it is so easy to dispense with the constitution, the law and any sense of
proportionality when dealing with it.

Amateur activists could easily overstep reasonable limits on behaviour and unfairly
victimize perceived offenders only to find out later that it is they who were
committing serious crimes against the innocent
. Trained investigators are much
better equipped mentally and emotionally to do their job professionally and with
much less risk of falsely accusing members of the public of crimes so heinous that
even the allegation bears life-changing (or even life-ending) consequences. Take a
second look at yourself and what you just said. If you fail to consider another as a
human being simply because of a suspicion then it is you who have become the
sick animal, and it is you who have become a danger to the public peace.

Trained investigators are also well versed in the techniques, laws and regulations
that ensure a high degree of accuracy in their work. They may not always succeed
but they do have that advantage over vigilantes and it is the most important factor
in getting convictions in a court of law. Rushing in to help "capture sick animals"
is far more likely to taint the case and make any evidence gathered useless
because amateurs don't know when to keep hands off and how to preserve
evidence for trial. The end result of inexperience and enthusiasm is that of
protecting the criminal by making it impossible to prosecute.
The police may
seem slow to you but there is good reason for their calm and methodical approach.
If you interfere with it in any way you should expect to be charged with obstruction.

Your duty is to report any finds to an appropriate channel like the Center for
Missing and Exploited Children and then back off to let the police do their job, no
more and no less. That's it. You have no right to insinuate that we have done any
more or less than quietly fulfil that duty either, period, end of sentence. Nor is it
appropriate for you to accuse the police of failing to do their duties in this regard.
The only time you hear of their activities on this front is when they bring offenders
to court, so don't bother to complain about what you cannot know.

tyciol February 21st, 2008 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by sumpchild (Post 181987)
What does the LW Admins do about Users who shares Child Porn? I got a chock today when i found a user, who got like 1036 illegal files with Child porn. Personally I think its the most disgusting harms of action to commit irl. If u dont do anything about the illegal activities on LW i need to know why, because i rather call the FBI or other autorities to stop that kind of dirty actions! :(

Oddly enough, you can't actually be sure it is (though yeah, it probably is) since it's possible for people to rename files with unrelated stuff (like an episode of MASH or Charlie Chaplin) with keywords related to the content you are describing.

Similarly, people can rename illegal content as something without such keywords, they disseminate it as a form of information terrorism and put other people at risk. Such people are essentially what make it problematic to share media anonymously like this, at least as long as media can potentially be illegal.

The only way to protect people from this while keeping freedom of information exchange is to not have media be illegal anymore, just actions should be illegal IMO.

Lavie March 12th, 2008 05:12 AM

Please I need help... It seems my 14 year old cousin went into a site that was of child porn or something and I did not know. The computer is registered in my name and the site had this message of I am getting married in April. I don't know what to do, please if someone can help me out here. I am very desperate. I don't know what to do... I sent them a message and told them they can even come to the house or call or email or whatever but, what if I am the one to get in trouble for someone else. I don't know what to do.

Lavie March 12th, 2008 05:19 PM

Thank you for the reply
I called the police and even the FBI right after I posted this message. I was so worried about this matter and they said the same thing you did. I thought I would have a heart attack and after I read the other posts, I really thought my life would turn into a disaster. Thank you again. I got the FBI number from someone who had the link here, I don't remember the user name but thanks to that person too.

As for child porn, I have to say I am very disgusted with the whole subject. I have many nephews and cousins and they are all babies and I would never like something like that to happen to one of them. I would say I would kill anyone who would try to harm them in such a horrible way. I have been a victim of abuse myself, r**e, etc. and I would like to tell all those people out there who think it is fun or amusing to do things like this, that they should think "what if that is my own child" before doing anything so horrible.

Self-destructer May 29th, 2008 05:20 AM

Dose any1 know how we can contact limewire to try and get them to put an end to this trash? It is a big problem and I wish to do more then just post comments on in. I want to destroy it asap. LimeWire Forums ps try this forum

Self-destructer May 29th, 2008 03:25 PM

Today is the first day of my WAR against child porn (on and of limewire). I feel that the time for action is now and I can not sit back and wait for others to act.
When I get home this afternoon I shall start a myspace under the name of "L Walzon" so that I can message as many people as I can about this Horror which must be stopped.
I will also try to contact 60min to try and get them to do a story so that the public outrage will force limewire to act.
I understand that the innocent could be accused and with all my heart I do not want that to happen but something must be done.

Ps I would like to warn people so that they do not make the same mistake as me. At first i beleaved that the word 'Lolita' was the name of a subculture (and I still think is is Because I know people who say they are 'Lolita Goths') like 'Goth' or 'Emo'. Also I know a girl who's name is Lolita But When I looked it up on Wiki I felt phisicaly sick because of its reall meaning. Needless to say I added it to the filter on my limewire and I think you all would want to do the same.

Peerless May 29th, 2008 04:48 PM

d00d...I feel your angst and at one time was as horrified as you (having used filesharing apps for years I no longer have such a violent reaction)...

there really is nothing LW, or any gnutella client can do per se...the network consists of the computers that are connected and the shared files reside in those computers...if LW could enforce any sort of action then they would be for all effective purposes breaking the law and would have the RIAA and MPAA after them with concrete proof in a heartbeat....the most that can be done is to filter certain keywords that will mitigate these files in search results...note I used the word keywords pop up all the time...

if you want to use a gnutella client that has a nice big set of keywords already loaded in the filter try Phex...

Self-destructer June 5th, 2008 06:10 AM

Yes I am deeply upset by this kind of thing. I am going to uninstall lime now because It makes me so mad. I have so many friends who have been effected by this kind of thing and it breaks my heart. :(.

ps: I am very happy to report that many of these sick freaks are going to pay :) with in the last week more then 80 pedos were picked up in Rockhampton and as many as 300 are being tracked down. :) This filled me with great joy but one thing worries me.

On other threads i have seen that hundreds or poor souls say that they have downloaded this trash by mistake. could the cops be after them???

Self-destructer June 5th, 2008 06:18 AM

Also :( I forgot the password .... and email to that myspace page I made..... Yes I know :( Im so stupid :(. O well
I gess I will just have to settle for calling crime stoppers tomorrow. I wish I could do it now but there are reasons why I cant that I do not want to go into.

Self-destructer June 5th, 2008 06:56 AM

sorry I got the numbers wrong
the cops only got 40 of them but they expect to get 80. A friend told me the numbers but they were all wrong.

Self-destructer June 6th, 2008 12:32 AM

Two more :)
The cops just got two more lol :)
I heard just now that the cops picked up two more sick freaks today :) and that they should get another 80 in the next two weeks. :)
*feels a little like doing a happy dance lol*
But the radio also said that they raided around 20 homes.
hmmm 2 out of 20.....
Sounds like they are on the run and so they should be lol
I hope the cops get every last 1.

Self-destructer June 6th, 2008 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by karkensmama (Post 287925)
I have a question of my own for someone to hopefully answer. I seen on the site (somewhere) about requesting possible upgrade ideas.... (I had an emerg. here at home, and left the pc running, and my 3 yr old shut the darn thing off on me so I lost where I was...) I have a huge one that I think would help in tracking these sick people. Why not have something put into the program itself? What I mean is, you know how we can block users, mark a file being junk? Why not have something like that but for reporting Child Pornography? That way, when someone sees the file, they mark it, and the information from the users file, and pc is logged. The people who run LimeWire would have access to this info, and they could forward it to police. If ppl want to help stop this destructive sick cr@p we need to bang our heads together and help. Not leave it alone and let the FBI/RCMP deal with it. There is only so many officers/agents who are able to work at this. What are all of us doing? Sitting here reading. LOL

If any of you are a survivor from sexual abuse, remember how you felt. What if it was your son or daughter? I have two little girls, and have gone through abuse. Whatever way I can help, I do.

I hope I didn't offend anyone.

~ Krys

How about having words related to cp built into a filter that cant be turned off??? That way the files cant be passed on
Ps: did u find that thread again???

Self-destructer June 6th, 2008 01:11 AM

OMG. I just heard the news 2 pedos the cops were after killed themselves. you might think i'm a little sick but I feel that this is a good thing. :)
Also the man incharge of the hunt for these animals said that he thought It was good to but he wishes that they blasted their brains out before they became pedos.
I think I like this guy :) lol
n I know id rather kill myself then become a pedo.
ok ill keep you updated.

AussieGuy112 June 8th, 2008 06:15 AM

Oh man I'm really anxious, I hope someone responds.

Ok I'm 16, I live in australia, I was googling teen porn for the usual kind of thing you see of like 18+ (usually 20's im guessing) year old girls or so >.< and anyway I came across a site with this term, probably first result on the list, and to my horror as I went through the pictures you could tell at least 1/4 of were kids. I immediately closed the site, and here I am now , googled "accidentally came across childporn" and started reading.

Ah god I'm really scared, I hope this doesn't come down on me in any badway, I've been really paranoid, because even on tv here, they've been cracking down on CP and the IP's of those in the CP rings, or possibly IP's of those who view them.

I'm really scared, anyone give me some advice?

Peerless June 8th, 2008 07:19 AM
ASACP: Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection

the best thing you can do is to report that url at one of the above sites...

reading back through a lot of the previous posts I see repeated comments of how can you mistakenly download this stuff on gnutella...

well, its really according to how and what you download...

there are mislabeled files aplenty...and there are plenty that are not named in a way that easily identifies them...and there are those that are named in a way that is impossible to determine...

let me give a couple of examples...and fyi I am just making up the particulars... are a 'normal' male and like seeing naked humans of whatever sex attracts you...or maybe you just like viewing pictures that others have taken and put in their shares (I would fall into the latter category...there are some really nice pictures of places I will never see in person floating around)...

1st category: so you download some images that are obviously soft decide those are pretty you choose to browse that user's list and choose to download all the pictures whose title begins with Mary, or somesuch...well it is quite possible that one of those Mary pictures is of a naked 12 year old...

2nd category: you just blindly start downloading images with names like DSCN_XXXX (where X = a number)...yeppers, there are plenty of CP images floating around with those identifiers...sure, there are WAY more innocent images with those titles, but the CP ones do exist...

when one finds a user who is sharing CP with those types of titles they are most likely one of the 'real' pedophiles...the best course of action one can take against such people is to take a screenshot and make a report to one of the above links making sure to give an exact time/date of the event...many make false statements about the ability to ID somebody by their IP addy...well, when one has the exact time/date of that addy its owner at that moment is taking the screenshot and sending it off you are giving that agency the proof needed to do something about it...

reddcabbagge June 21st, 2008 06:01 AM

turn off your im 's that is an entering point to see your stuff

Cosmic_Dragon August 17th, 2008 04:55 PM

I believe that yes child porn should be fought. This sounds like a long hard battle. I think there are too many things that are covered by this anti-child porn law nest egg. Dont get me wrong we shoul fight it. My problem is this.... if cartoon images can be consideded pornograpphic and such I think many cartoons that play on tv right now would have to change. Advertising, does not use nude children but they can he highly suggestive still. Most of Japan's anime then would be considered child porn even if there is no nudity. I feel we need to better determine what is and what is not considered child porn.

Orange County Ca August 27th, 2008 01:41 AM

AussieguyThe authorities don't chase downloaders.

Just erase it. To make sure I don't accidently upload any I don't allow uploading of any video files I haven't reviewed first.

Its good that people recognize that accidential downloading of child porn is not only possible its practically inevitable if you download enough porn.

That's doesn't make you a pervert. It shows you're a human

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