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Morgwen April 6th, 2002 03:25 AM


Originally posted by plasticparadox
I've pretty well said my piece; and I can tell when a forum is becoming slightly aggressive. And it's not neither my intention nor interest to see it do so. So I'm leaving it here.

but some people here (including me) are not very good friends from Vinnie, so they are "slightly" agressive in their view!

Did you ever visited If not visit it and you will see what is really agressive!!!

But we respect your view and what you said - I do!!!

I want that Gnutella will stay Gnutella but I canīt accept what Vinnie is doing... some people canīt close their eyes (I wish I could)! This open is not right but better than doing nothing!!!


Unregistered April 6th, 2002 06:28 AM

Oh now I see Mrgone's point, he is another Bearshare maniac, good to know.

Kutulus: ("download mesh" and "swarming")... this way we can have an advantage over limewire
mrgone4662: I think we already have plenty of those :-)
Kutulus: well we need more bragging rights, so those zeropaid bitches can go shut their mouths


Nosferatu April 6th, 2002 07:13 AM

Feature creep

Originally posted by Unregistered

Kutulus: ("download mesh" and "swarming")... this way we can have an advantage over limewire

mrgone4662: I think we already have plenty of those :-)

Kutulus: well we need more bragging rights, so those zeropaid bitches can go shut their mouths

Feature creep is one of the main problems with commercial clients in a highly competitive field such as gnutella, where we have dozens of clients.

Each commercial vendor want to be able to say 'we have x and y and z' and also 'we were first with w!'.

Better to have well thought out features that have definite, measurable benefits.


Unregistered April 6th, 2002 12:48 PM

better to not reinvent/rewrite code for each client too
would be nice to see more features and UI interface improvements than protocol enhancements
we need 30 clients with 30 different base codes for interfacing to the network, real stupid and a total (collective) waste of time

Unregistered April 8th, 2002 01:18 AM

Morgwen, could you make this thread sticky please? The number of posts and visits shows it's an important topic for Gnutella's future.

Abaris April 8th, 2002 03:22 PM

what do you think you can achieve with the OpenSourceP2P network? do you really think you can change the world by changing the connect string? what makes you believe that this will lock out any closed-sourced or commercial client?

if this new network should get as popular as the old one, there will definitely be commercial and closed-source servents on it sooner or later. do you think they wouldn't dare connecting just because the connect string contains the words "open source"? I guess you will tell me about the user's choice to block them and that they are free now and greed will no longer be supported and all those arguments we heard before...

this is fact: any company can write a commercial servent and join your precious network by simply pretending to be gnucleus. indeed, due to a bug there is no way to determine whether you are uploading a file to morpheus or gnucleus just identify yourself as GNUC and everything will work. even better, i could modify my servent to use a vendor code that consists of random characters. what are you going to do then? drop every client you don't know? including new and experimental ones you just haven't heard about?

IMHO a split of the network is all you are gonna achieve. no less, no more. instead of one gnutella there will be two ones that only differ in the name. i would like the idea of a true open p2p network. but that is not in the least what you present. if one CHOOSES to use a client that displays ads or uses spyware because it has the better technology than that is none of your buisness and you have no right to block him. you DO have a reason to prevent a servent from abusing the protocol for commercial interests, that's clear. but i can't see how changing the network name will do that.

why don't you use your energy to create anti-clustering features on a protocol level? why not creating a network that has no vendor codes, that doesn't publish the user-agent, that doesn't allow proprietary formats or even encrypted messages? improve the protocol so that it cannot be abused that easily? that would be useful. your current implementation of the OpenSourceP2P network is not. although i am a supporter of open source, chose to use gnucleus rather than limewire and dislike bearshare's clustering politics, i can't see any reason to support this new network.

Unregistered April 8th, 2002 10:42 PM


Originally posted by Abaris
why don't you use your energy to create anti-clustering features on a protocol level? why not creating a network that has no vendor codes, that doesn't publish the user-agent, that doesn't allow proprietary formats or even encrypted messages? improve the protocol so that it cannot be abused that easily?
Next version:


It BlAsTs it's way onto VinnieNet, connects to as many central BearShareBlackHole nodes as it can and then BlAsTs packets to the incoming sockets till that node goes down!

It BlAsTs over and over relentlessly until the BlackHole has EXPLODED!

Normal Gnutella operation resumes shortly after BS nodes are scattered all over, trying to re-form the BlackHole.

Rinse, repeat on a daily basis.

Buy it today at only $89.95

Blow that black hole away! Order today!

Unregistered April 9th, 2002 02:02 PM

You think you're the establishment, don't you? Did you realize you do not have the "best client", more programmers are outside the GDF, do not like your agressive politics, do not like your spyware, do not like your clustering, do not like your propaganda? You are not "working together", you are working against Gnutella idea and not even trying to change your high society behaviour. Shaking each other hands in the noble GDF and not listening to anyone else won't make yourself more atractive. Sorry, GDF was and is slow and closed minded. It is a demotiovating example how comercial vendors dominate a group of developers, inefficient and without remarkable steps forward into cool technology. Continue and you will lose more developers and users.

GDF lurker April 9th, 2002 03:54 PM


Originally posted by Unregistered
You think you're the establishment, don't you? Did you realize you do not have the "best client"
And which one would you consider better, according to objective criteria?


more programmers are outside the GDF, do not like your agressive politics, do not like your spyware, do not like your clustering, do not like your propaganda?
Who are those developers outside the GDF?


You are not "working together", you are working against Gnutella idea and not even trying to change your high society behaviour.
What is the "Gnutella idea"???


Shaking each other hands in the noble GDF and not listening to anyone else won't make yourself more atractive. Sorry, GDF was and is slow and closed minded. It is a demotiovating example how comercial vendors dominate a group of developers, inefficient and without remarkable steps forward into cool technology.
As I see it, it's not easy to change the protocol of a running network. And I don't know which remarkable step you are referring to, which is not (at least in some form) being implemented.

I don't like you. Why do you dis the LimeWire people. I mean everyone is free (as in beer) to create a fork of LimeWire and implement the features he likes.

I'm quite impressed with the work of the LimeWire developers, they managed to create a Java-application that even seems to outperform native applications like Bearshare on some systems. And they succeeded in making Gnutella the fastest growing (although mainly due to the fate of Morpheus) p2p-network, while keeping it as p2p as possible.

If you read the posts of the developers on the GDF (ok, Vinnie Falco is Vinnie Falco, and I don't like his style sometimes either) and you will see, that the posts (especially of the LimeWire staff) are very constructive. Even if I'd prefer if some people on the GDF did less talking more developing, the GDF is very resourceful for anyone participating.

If some developers won't participate, it's their decision, but personally I think that those people should simply build their own network instead of flooding gnutella with malformed requests and queries, spoiling the copyright-infringement-fun of all other users in the network.

Unregistered April 9th, 2002 05:14 PM


Originally posted by afisk
I just think it's really missing the point to get worked up about the corporate side of the Gnutella community.
Of course you would say that, your $$ pay check comes from all of our combined CPU cycles.
It's not about the_gdf, it's not about who's client is the best, it's not about cooperating developers.
The corporate clients have the "resources" because they have OUR $$$$ !!!!
The point you are missing/avoiding is you are sucking off Gnutella.
You are sucking OUR CPU cycles and network resources for your own personal gain.
You suck ! Shame on you !
Get a real job and make a real product with buttons and knobs and sell it at Radio Shack.
Gnutella is not a profit center. Your whole business plan revolves around sucking our CPU cycles to make YOU a profit.
You can take your corporate business plan and shove it on to it's own private network.
I will continue to block LimeWire, BearShare, Morpheus and any other greedy sucking client I find out there. Look at what Kazaa tried to do, those scum sucking greedy #$%#ers. It's only a matter of time till you try the same sort of thing.
Corporations won't stop 'till they suck all the CPU cycles from your machine and shove ads all day long in your face !
This is P2P, not P2yourpocket !
Block'em all !

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