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Unregistered July 6th, 2002 03:58 AM


Originally posted by Morgwen
Did you ever think that maybe my employer would FIRE ME if he ever found out I am the one posting here?
Your personal behaviour which may or may not infringe your place-of-work rules are entirely your own affair and morality.


Now I have to use a different password at every new site I register at to be secure.
Is the password database here really secure?

I am affiliated with over 1.000 sites which require registration... I use the same variation of password on all of them.
I receive ZERO spam.

I don't have the faintest idea how to access your password... I am certain that it is not available to ANY moderator. We can view IPs, that is all. Any further info is included in your profile which is available for all registered posters to view..... If you do not wish your 'registration e-mail address' to be displayed, you simply elect for it to be 'hidden'.


There are lots of reasons to not register, and you should weigh the flames against the contributions by unregistered users and respect the fact that we wish to remain anon here.
All points you raise WERE weighed, ad nauseum.... not in an afternoon of chat. The benefits associated with all users being able to 'access' one another is the 'winning hand'.

[quoute]And again, sorry Morg, why are you the only one defending this stupid decision? You sit here and take all this but yet it was all the other mods who made the decision. They all just duck and cover and leave you to justify this?[/quoute]Morgwen is a good guy here. Got that? he is not alone in supporting/defending these changes.
It was by concensus that the changes were implemented.

mrgone4662 July 6th, 2002 04:00 AM

I think following the lead of the vast majority of other forums out there (vBulletin forums, at least) and requiring registration for all posts is a good idea. Cuts down on some of the spam and general useless posts (and threads like this).

The only reason this thread is even happening is because requiring registration wasn't done sooner.

Unregistered July 6th, 2002 04:07 AM

The only reason most (not all) VB forums require registration like that is there is no other way with the current release of software to prevent flame wars.

Here's another idea from a low class, scum of the earth, Unregistered user:

If you made the "report this post" link go to a counter that counts per different IP address, then if enough people hit that link it would automatically move that post to another area or close it or hold it for review. How hard would that be to code? It's already a separate php page.
That way the mods will only have to deal with posts that are truly annoying.
You should change the link's line to something like
"click here if this post is inappropriate"
"this post sucks"
"click here if this is a flame"

Give the power to the people here.

Unregistered July 6th, 2002 04:08 AM

taliban and you are the biggest spammer here.

Unregistered July 6th, 2002 04:08 AM

you = mrgone

mrgone4662 July 6th, 2002 04:16 AM

and if my actions become too bad then the forums mods and admins have an easy way of discussing these things with me in private instead of cluttering up the board.

so register or don't.. either way, deal with it.

you may also try showing the people who put this board up and keep it running (volunteers giving this place up for free, i might add) the respect of accepting their policies instead of spamming from your soapbox.

or maybe you should just start your own board and handle it however you like :)

Unregistered July 6th, 2002 04:25 AM

get a life and some friends, your post here are redundant

Unregistered July 6th, 2002 04:30 AM

Here's a good example, and Morg will remember this.

We have exposed a lot of nasty things Vinnie was doing to Gnutella here.
Back when the BS forums were being used to cover up things Vinnie was doing, people came here and posted Unregistered about what was happening over there, and after people found out, Vinnie had to change his policies and open his forum and quit covering up what he did.
If we didn't do that, Vinnie would have kept on doing what he was doing and maybe worse, but since there were uncontrolled posts here, Vinnie couldn't cover it up.
We need a way to report bad things that are happening to Gnutella, and most likely a Unregistered poster will report it.
If this forum is totally controlled and closed, then when some "dictator" comes along, there will be no way to stop them and people will feel frustrated that they can't do something about it and throw up their hands and give up (or risk being cut off).

Morgwen July 6th, 2002 04:51 AM


Originally posted by Unregistered
You still can't see the problem.
You are starting to create a lower class of people now, anyone who posts unregistered is of a lower class, and you ask why don't they join us?

Yes you are right I canīt see this problem, because registering is FREE, YOU decide in which CLASS you want to join not me... I could understnad it if we would ask for payment, some people have not the money...

The ONLY arguement I can accept if some users come here and want to ask ONE question, but this is not the case here, as I said you all are "regular" visitors...


Morgwen July 6th, 2002 04:53 AM


Originally posted by Unregistered
If you made the "report this post" link go to a counter that counts per different IP address, then if enough people hit that link it would automatically move that post to another area or close it or hold it for review.
No way, perhaps one of fifty posts is reported the others are discovered by mods... so this will not work!


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